About Dawn
I was first introduced to the power of writing in community through a wonderful organization, Write Around Portland, where I worked as Program Coordinator for 5 years. I then began offering my own writing workshops through Portland Women Writers, where I continued holding workshops and retreats for the next 15 years, eventually over-seeing this wonderful collaborative originally founded in 2003 by Emily Trinkaus. Holding writing circles for women through Portland Women Writers taught me about the power and beauty of sharing our stories in community. I will be forever grateful to all of the women and wonderful PWW facilitators I wrote and worked with over those many years.
During this time, I also continued to partner with different organizations, holding writing circles for specific communities. In 2012, I began holding weekly writing circles through Patient & Family Services at the Knight Cancer Institute at OHSU and in 2019 was brought on by Legacy Cancer Center to do the same. Gwendolyn Morgan, who at that time worked for Legacy, came up with the title "Words for Healing." I am grateful every day to write with individuals healing from cancer and with the medical staff who support those individuals. In 2019, Lisa Kagan and I founded Touchstone Retreats, which continues to grow and flourish as we expand our weekly, one-day and weekend offerings to women and community groups, along with facilitator Margaret Hartsook.
When I received my Bachelor of Arts in Journalism from the University of Oregon as a young woman in my 20's and then a Masters in Humanities & Leadership with an emphasis in Creation Spirituality in my 30's, I would never have guessed that years later I'd find a way to blend my love for writing and soul work. What I have learned from holding community writing workshops for the past 20 years is that carving intentional space for our inner landscape increases our well-being and intimacy with ourself and expressing what we find there fosters community, authentic connection with others and peace. It is my honor and delight to hold space for this sacred work.
I believe writing our stories is a sacred act that liberates, heals and transforms us and that writing in community fosters connection and peace. When not in writing circles, I can be found enjoying the beauty of the natural world, competing in Masters Track & Field, BMX biking and spending time with my son, husband and the larger circle of my beloved family.